Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Illustrator: The basics!

First homework of the semester has been assigned and to my pleasant surprise it's videos to watch! Of course they are educational and all about Illustrator but it's better than reading a book.

First things first, vector and raster images. Vector images stay clean and less pixalated than its counterpart raster images. When you get all close up and personal with raster images you can see the pixels clearly and it looks all blocked up and jagged. It isn't really good for the web but the vector image works really well. Turns out you can lock your Illustrator projects on the computer so that no one can go in and make changes or even access your art to delete it. That means no tears or excuses for lost projects! The videos also explained how you can group two, three, and etc images together, or break them apart, or even put them on different layers so you can move one while the other stays untouched. However, my favorite discovery was the artboards information! I had no clue you could have more than one page in one file. That will make future school and non-school related projects so much easier to navigate.

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